Concerning Yours Truly

My photo
I have a dog. She is the most adorable dog in the world. That is irrefutable.



Today I was thinking about posting entirely in Spanish, but then I decided to tell you that from this point onward, it will be in Spanish, so give up if you don't know Spanish, or google-translate this beeyotch.
Hoy yo fui a la casa de mi compañera pa' trabajar en nuestro proyecto de la clase de inglés. Nos fue bien. Espero que tengamos suficiente tiempo pa' completarlo pero si no lo tenemos, podemos quitar uno de los dos poemas.
¡¡Me enoja mi calificación en la clase de español!! ¡Tengo 99! ¡Ay de mí! Claro que no es una nota mala, pero me siento mal. Lo lamento que yo me he quejado muchísimo.

Aquí hay un video de Shakira, disfruta.

¡Hasta la próxima vez que os veo!


Vive la Résistance !

Today was, by far, one of the worst Fridays of the year. I had some sort of exam in my first three classes, failed the first one. However, in Spanish I had to give a presentación about a poem that I had written:
Oda de la Cama
Cuando estás conmigo
Contenta yo me pongo
Y cuando te vas
Siento que regreses jamás
A las mascotas les gusta dormir en mí
Pero al fin, yo no dormí

Me quitas las sábanas
Y abres las persianas
Cuando limpias la habitación
Estoy ahí en todo mi colchón
Después de limpiar la ventana
Empiezas a comer una manzana

La echas a la basura
Y usas la aspiradora
Al fin de limpiar el piso
Me haces caso
Me pones la sábana limpia
Cuando no duermes todo te fastidia

Y yo estoy ahí
Para ti
Y confías en mí
Todos tus problemas
Y te calmas
Y de todas las camas
Yo soy la que amas
And now I shall translate it for all of you non-Spanish speakers.

Ode from the bed
When you're with me
I become content
And when you leave
I feel like you'll never return
The pets like to sleep on me
But in the end, I never slept
You take off the sheets
And open the blinds
When you clean your room
I'm there, in all my mattress-ness
After cleaning the window
You begin to eat an apple
You throw it in the trash
And use the vacuum cleaner
After cleaning the floor
You pay attention to me
You put the clean sheet on me
When you don't sleep everything annoys you
And I'm there
For you
And you confide in me
And you calm yourself
And of all the beds
I'm the one you love
I understand that it doesn't make sense, but it rhymes (in Spanish) and that is all that really matters, right? Regardless of your answer, I've already presented and it's too late to fix anything.


La persona que nunca puede encontrar su pasta
(The person who can never find his pasta)


O, the Rent

I have recently discovered the Rent Is Too Damn High party, many thanks to Katherine Beaman and her randomness in class.
If you haven't heard of them, then shame on you!
I would vote for Jimmy McMillan for president 2012, and you ought to as well!

Honestly, I could care less about for whom you vote, so long as it isn't someone from the Religious Right 
because religions have nothing to do with politics, and those who believe it does, are clearly not supporters of democracy and should be hanged. (Not really)

O, look, I just finished eating a blueberry muffin! even though the rent is too damn high...

That is all for today, because the rent is too damn high.


My First Post

Hello there, future followers whom I do not have at this moment, I shall recount the tale of my first adult experience.
No, no. It isn't sexually explicit, in fact, it's not sexual at all. For my eighteenth birthday, I decided to pierce my cartilage, which to many of you, may seem harmless, but to my mother, it was a social more, one of which she still has yet to let go. It took her two days and a haircut to notice that I had got it pierced, thus, I very bluntly told her, "Mom, I've had this for two days. I can't believe you're just now noticing it." This, of course, upset her greatly. However, being eighteen, she could not very well make me take out something which I had legally attained.

I hope my tales become more exciting, or I at least learn to make them seem exciting.